Eleni kaluva tielyanna!
"Кто сказал, что за ломанный грош
продаются актерские души?.."

@настроение: блин, надо уже как-то выбираться оттуда...

31.08.2008 в 12:29

Veteran of a thousand psychic wars
Now last and least – the minstrel - takes his bow upon the stage,
he's played a fool and played the prince (but never acts his age).
And If for once not lost for words l wonder what he'd say,
to win fair maiden, slay the dragon, keep dread foe at bay?

"Though I am not a wealthy man – my heart is pure and true,
and the only riches that I have – the love I feel for you.
Now my life is robbed of meaning
Iike a purse of hope that's snatched.
Must I spend my whole time dreaming
living life no strings attached?"

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